YONA-Sistema Program
Francis Winspear Centre for Music
9720 - 102 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta   T5J 4B2

Leadership Team

If you would like more information about the YONA program or to find out more ways to be involved with YONA, please reach out to one of the following people. Please direct special event performance requests to Jacquie McNulty. 

Anne-Marie Switzer, Director of Musical Creativity

Lilian Belknap, Associate Director of Musical Creativity

Jacquie McNulty, YONA Lead

Natalie Boisvert, YONA Artistic Lead

Nathan Chan, YONA Pedagogical Lead

Site Managers

If you need to contact a YONA site directly during YONA’s operating hours, please reach out to the following staff people:  

Booker Diduck, Acting Site Manager, YONA St. Alphonsus
bdiduck@winspearcentre.com 780-991-6181

Travis Kutz, Site Manager, YONA St. Catherine
tkutz@winspearcentre.com 780-996-6008

Ephraim Prescott, Site Manager, YONA St. Teresa
eprescott@winspearcentre.com 780-720-2256

Olivia Menard, Site Manager, YONA Winspear Centre
omenard@winspearcentre.com 780-903-9744

Lauren Dykstra, Site Manager, Kipohtakâw YONA

Corporate Donations or Sponsorships

If you are interested in making a corporate donation, and in-kind donation, or becoming a sponsor of YONA, please reach out to the Winspear philanthropy team at donations@winspearcentre.com.